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Xtra Sections


Any good quality and potentially useful sections that are not already used go here.


Up to now you have created all the important pages with their sections. The original design you are converting to Elementor, may offer more sections. Use those to create this extra page with the sections below. In the future, if the team / client needs those, not new design is needed.


Create a section with at least two pomos. Each promo box should include main parts of a usual medical/dental promotion that includes

  • Title
  • Description
  • Number ( $ or % )
  • Expiration
  • Fine print
  • An option for Icons or Images would be great


Video section could house practice produced videos, or, patient education videos. If the original design has a good option for video presentation, add it here.


Most designs have a row that offers business stats show case. Add it here.

Creative Sections

If you see other creative, appealing sections in the design that is not used in other pages, this is the place to leave it as a suggestion for the future designer. Some examples are:

  • Before and After galleries
  • Cool visual effects
  • Forms and Buttons
  • And more

If you are not sure a section worth keeping, do keep it. We can always remove it.  

    *All fields are required for a successful submission.


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