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Dental Solutions of Mississippi

What Is The Most Used Joint In The Body And How Can It Affect Me? Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

What Is The Most Used Joint In The Body And How Can It Affect Me?

Do you know what is the most persistently used joint in the body? If you answered the temporomandibular joint, then you are correct! Without this joint, which connects the lower jaw with the skull, we would not be able to open our mouths to eat, chew, breath, or talk. It is possible to experience discomfort in this joint as well as near your ears, in your jaws, or in the muscles on the sides of your face. If you are experiencing this discomfort, you might be suffering from TMD.

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Healthy teeth during halloween Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

Healthy Teeth During Halloween?

Is it possible to keep children’s teeth healthy during Halloween? We believe that the answer is yes. Trick-or-treating has been a never-ending battle to fight off the ever-impending tooth decay and cavities from the onslaught of sugar and sticky treats. With proper maintenance and care, it is indeed possible to enjoy the holiday that children love so much and avoid the Halloween induced cavities. Continue reading to find out how to help achieve this daunting task.

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Why do we have wisdom teeth Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

We are often asked why we have wisdom teeth if they often need to be removed? The third molars, affectionately called “wisdom teeth”, are the last set of teeth to grow. They were given that name based on the phrase “with age comes wisdom”, since they erupt around 17 and 21 years old. We actually don’t really need this third set of teeth anymore, which is why they cause issues and need to be removed. Why do we have them in the first place?

Read More » talks about covid 19 and dentistry Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan Talks About COVID-19 And Dentistry

Are you nervous about coming in for your next appointment? Do you have a friend or family member avoiding an important dental treatment because they are afraid of being in public places? A recent article on discusses why you shouldn’t put your dental health at risk during the pandemic and why dental practices are safe. Read the article here:

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Got a toothache Dental Solutions of Mississippi dentist in Canton MS Dr. Ruth Roach Morgan Dr. Jessica Morgan

Got A Toothache?

Have you ever experienced a throbbing pain or discomfort in and around your teeth or jaw? Then you know what it feels like to have a dreaded toothache. Dental pain is usually caused by an inflammation of the dental pulp tissue. When damage exposes it, air and germs get in, affecting the nerves and blood vessels inside.

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